
Elite Chess Database

An iOS app with some chess databases:

  • Elite: 780 thousand games. All games are from very high-ranking human players. They have been checked very carefully to remove redundancies and mistakes
  • Annotated games: 19 thousand games with annotations. That is the largest collection. Players range from low to high-rank human players, thus their games with annotations could be used for both studying and entertainment
  • Puzzles: 59 thousand puzzles, mate from 1 to 9. Users could solve by making move by move, then ask the app to verify

Download on Apple Store

Elite Xiangqi Database

An iOS app with some Xiangqi (Chinese chess) databases:

  • Elite: All games are from very high-ranking human players. They have been checked very carefully to remove redundancies and mistakes
  • Secret in the Tangerine: 35 famous games with very aggressive mates
  • Puzzles: thousand puzzles, mate from 1 to 30. Users could solve by making move by move, then ask the app to verify

BanksiaGUI for iOS

Banksia GUI is a chess Graphical User Interface, released with some strongest open-source chess engines, used to play chess as well as chess utilities.

It will have a new version soon

Link to download on Apple Store:

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