FAQ using

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FAQ using

Post by pham »

This topic is FAQ about using Banksia GUI. I am going to post some questions I have received and answers. You may post your questions here too. They will be collected for Wiki page.
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

Q: How to install and run Banksia GUI?
A: You don’t need to install it. After downloading, it is just a zip file, you may unzip it by any zip tool and it is ready to run.
To run BanksiaGUI, just find and run the executive file. It is banksiagui.exe for Windows, BanksiaGui for macOS and Linux.
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

Q: How to install a chess engine into BanksiaGUI?
A: There are two ways:
1) Drag and drop (the easiest and fastest way): just drag the engine from the File Browser and drop into Banksia GUI (anywhere). A pop up will appear for a few seconds. All are automatically.

2) Open Settings dialogbox (menu -> File -> Settings), tab Engines. Click on button with symbol + (add). A new dialogbox will be popped up. The user must select the engine. All other field may let empty, BSG can auto detect and fill for any empty field. Click the button OK and wait for a few seconds.
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

Q: How to change name of an engine? How to change path, color of an engine?
A: Open Settings dialog box (menu -> File -> Settings), tab Engines. Find the engine you want to change the name in the table. Double click on the name, an edit box will appear. Type the new name you want then enter.

Similar to other field, including protocol, Elo, color, command (path), working folder
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

Q: Why engines have the field color? What does it use for?
A: Colors are widely used for visual tasks with engines thus users can quickly distinguish between engines. They are:
- Arrows (thinking arrows)
- Graphs
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

Q: How to remove an engine?
A: Open Settings dialogbox (menu -> File -> Settings), visit tab Engines, select the engine (by clicking on it). There is a button with symbol- (minute) on the top-right. Click it
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

Q: How to change the value of an option of an engine?
A: Open Settings dialogbox (menu -> File -> Settings), visit tab Engines, select the engine (by clicking on it). The second table is the option one. Scroll the table to find the option you want. You may click on the header of column 1 (name) to sort the table thus you can find easier. When it is found, double click on the second field (value) and you can change, edit the value
Carl Bicknell
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Re: FAQ using

Post by Carl Bicknell »

Plllleeeeease can we get a proper user's guide for the extreme analysis function? It looks great, but it's not obvious how to use it.
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Re: FAQ using

Post by pham »

It will be a long explanation. I am going to create a new topic for it. I need time to write too (I am not good at writing). At the moment, you may read the blog about it first.
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