Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:21 pm
Annuncing PRIVATE Proteus-ET
I will release it as a GPLv3 derivative only if I will reach +50 ELO from the original
Based on Andrew Grant's Ethereal 14.31 github GPLv3
How far can go a modern engine without NNUE, using only classical evaluation? I'm modding this state-of-the-art code to try to reduce the estimated 100 ELO delta
I will release it as a GPLv3 derivative only if I will reach +50 ELO from the original
Based on Andrew Grant's Ethereal 14.31 github GPLv3
How far can go a modern engine without NNUE, using only classical evaluation? I'm modding this state-of-the-art code to try to reduce the estimated 100 ELO delta