Is Banksia still a live project.
It would be nice if someone can inform us of what the current situation is?
Banksia updates?
Moderators: AlexChess, TedSummers
Re: Banksia updates?
Yes, I have been still working on BSG. I had been just slow down to do real-life duties.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:33 pm
Re: Banksia updates?
Thanks for the info, much appreciated. 

Re: Banksia updates?
With some workaurounds I solve almost all issues on BanksisaGui 0.58c. For example when it crashes more times and it resets all the layout settings, I restore my preferred configuration with a click:
Make a backup of your working BanksiaGui.ini callining it BanksiaGui.ini_copy to place in the same foder of the original and create a Banksia-fix.bat (Windows 10-11 builds)
Code: Select all
@echo off
copy C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Banksiagui\BanksiaGui.ini_copy C:\Users\Utente1\AppData\Roaming\Banksiagui\BanksiaGui.ini
Re: Banksia updates?
Just checking back on this post about updates. I know that you were concentrating on other things besides this program. Not trying to rush you, but do you have a general idea on when we may see the next release.