A bit funny when registering this domain name

When registering this domain name (banksiagui.com) the provider did not process immediately. Instead, they sent an email to ask me the purpose of the registration. That was the first time I have been asked such that question. It turns out the domain name has a special word “bank” and may be used for scamming.

I have replied:

“The purpose of registering that domain: I have a hobby to develop chess programs. My current one is an open-source freeware, named “banksia – a chess tournament management” (at https://github.com/nguyenpham/Banksia). Banksia is the name of a wildflower in Australia. It is a console/command-line application. Now I have been adding a graphical user interface (GUI) for it and named “banksiagui” (it means Banksia + GUI).”

It is clear and enough thus the provider did not asked anything else. The registering was processed successfully after 15 minutes.